The LTB Podcast

The LTB Podcast od Tarun kumar

Tarun kumar

"LiteTeeskoBro" is a podcast hosted by mother and son duo, Tarun and Padmaja. Each episode, They discuss a wide range of topics, from pop culture to politics to personal anecdotes. With Padmaja's years of life experience and Tarun's youthful perspective, they bring a unique and engaging dynamic to every conversation. The podcast is a chance to eavesdrop on the conversations that Padmaja and Tarun have been having their entire lives, and listeners are sure to enjoy their witty banter and candid discussions. Tune in to " LiteTeeskoBro" for an entertaining and insightful look at the world from a

Kategorije: TV i Film

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join me and my incredible mom as we dive headfirst into the exhilarating world of alcoholic college parties! From wild anecdotes to eye-opening revelations, this candid conversation promises to be an intriguing exploration of a notorious aspect of university life. As we share our experiences and perspectives, we want to make it clear that we approach this topic with responsibility and respect. Our intention is to shed light on the social dynamics and the allure surrounding these parties, while emphasizing the importance of making informed choices and prioritizing personal safety. Throughout the video, we'll discuss the highs and lows, the lessons learned, and the unforgettable memories forged amidst the pulsating energy of college party culture. We'll explore the various themes, from themed frat parties to epic house gatherings, and touch upon the excitement, camaraderie, and occasionally, the pitfalls associated with them. Join us on this unique journey where we combine perspectives across generations, bridging the gap between mom's wisdom and youthful exuberance. So buckle up, grab your favorite beverage (non-alcoholic if you're underage!), and get ready for a thought-provoking and entertaining discussion on alcoholic college parties with my amazing mom! Remember, knowledge and understanding are the key, and making informed decisions is paramount. Let's dive into this captivating topic together while promoting a culture of responsible decision-making and fostering open dialogues.

Prethodne epizode

  • 6 - Ep.6 Booze, Bash & Mom : Generation Clash ? 
    Fri, 23 Jun 2023
  • 5 - Ep.5 AI : The Rule | The LTB Podcast 
    Fri, 23 Jun 2023
  • 4 - Ep.4 ONDC Unplugged ! 
    Sun, 04 Jun 2023
  • 3 - Ep.3 IPL Scoring Millions Not Runs ? 
    Sun, 16 Apr 2023
  • 2 - Ep.2 AI Replacing 300 Million Jobs ? 
    Fri, 31 Mar 2023
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